Can you believe it! It's 6 months since my last post and so much has happened in that time. I'll get to that in a moment but firstly I need to show what I made today.
This is a vinyl sticker I cut using my Silhouette die cutting machine. I've placed it on the rear window of my car, just to pretty it up a bit. Suzi = Suzuki, lol!
Of course I've been creating lots of scrapbook layouts and cards as well as stickers, but these are just so much fun! I'm a bit limited with what I can create with the 3 colours of vinyl I have, white, black and brown, so I think I may have to invest in all the other yummy colours available. I can see this being an expensive hobby, although it couldn't be any worse than scrapbooking! It's daylight robbery what some places charge for supplies at the moment, but they know we're addicted and we'll pay whatever they ask! Just need to shop around.
Major news events of the past 6 months:
Dd #2 and Andrew finally became engaged! They've been travelling the world since before Christmas and are presently in Malta. Having the time of their lives but reality is they will need to come home and settle back into a working life to be able to put a home together.
Dd #1 sold her home and has moved back in with mum and dad. She did this because she intends to move to the mainland and start a life with her boyfriend, just not immediately! Having dd living with us also means GeeToo the cat lives with us!
Dd's #1 and #3 both decided to sell tupperware and have filled their pantry's with the plastic! They took after their mother, I love the stuff but I was always too shy to sell it!
I'm sure I could go on and on but nobody wants to hear an old woman's ramblings so I will sign off for another 6 months! LOL!!!